Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Vampire Forest Fire

The first thing is The Neon Boys, who were basicially Television before they got Richard Lloyd. Their sound is quite different, however: kind of like a cross between Television and The Band. As far as I can tell, only five songs were recorded. I'll try to post one of them as soon as I can.

I've also finally discovered The Arcade Fire's first (and only) EP, which up until now I've been unable to take very seriously. It's actually quite good, it's just less epic and a bit more straightforward. Again, I'll try to post a song ASAP.

The Knife is a Swedish duo that I feel I'm also a little late on getting into. They create atmospheric, minimalist electronic music that is, for no obvious reason, terribly disturbing. Their new record, Silent Shout, is great.

It turns out that even though I can't post music, I can still put up videos from YouTube. Here's one of TV on the Radio performing the song "Wolf Like Me". I think this is an amazing performance.

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I've heard that this album in particular had fucked up track names on some pre-release copies that we circulating.

Playhouses in the name of the track before Wolf Like Me.