Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lost / Auf

While this is totally out of purview of this blog, I feel I must post about last night's incredible television programming.

First of all, Lost. I love that they just opened with a huge money shot of the plane splitting in two over the heads of The Others. What was with that whole camp they had? We found out Henry Gale's real name, Ben - which did very little to diminish his creepiness. What the hell are they going to do with Kate? Is that new girl just fucking with Jack, or is she actually an okay person? I'm inclined to believe that despite their repeated cruelties, The Others believe that what they are doing is right. By extension, I think she is just a good person in a very weird situation.

Second, Project Runway. For me, this was the end of Project Runway. It can't get any better than this. I don't even care who wins at this point. The producers of this show really understand it's appeal: it's fucking hilarious. The gag reels were priceless, and getting to watch Heidi impersonate Milan was something I could have only dreamed of. And how about Vincent loosing his mind? Seriously, subsequent seasons won't be able to top this. No way.

Hey, remember music? Yeah, me too. In the next couple days I'll be posting a full track-by-track of the Killers album. Pitchfork gave it a 5.9 today, for whatever that's worth. Expect MP3 goodies as well - including my all time favorite Morrissey live recording, during which he freaks out and starts yelling. Finally, I'll be interviewing The Blood Brothers next week, which should be interesting. So stay tuned!